Inhibition of Japanese encephalitis virus maturation and
transport in PS cells to cell surface by brefeldin A.
Lad VJ, Gupta AK.
National Institute of Virology, Indian Council of Medical Research, 20-A, Dr.
Ambedkar Road, P.B. No. 11, Pune 411 001, India.
A brefeldin A (BFA) treatment of porcine stable kidney (PS) cells resulted in
inhibition of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) maturation and its transport to
the cell surface. Intrestingly, the antigenicity of the virus, in contrast,
remained unaffected as no difference in epitope presentation/expression was
observed in BFA-treated and control (untreated) infected cells even though in
the former cells a loss of hemagglutinating (HA) activity was recorded. Thus it
seems that the BFA treatment did not affect the glycoprotein E (gpE) synthesis
and folding essentially required for the epitope presentation/expression in